Saturday, 24 May 2014

Rule #32

Sorry that I missed last weeks blog... It was a hectic week and we were busy getting things back in order! However this week I am back with another lesson! This week with all the stress and hectic things happening I thought back to a quote my mother always used! The one from which this blog was brought forth! She used to say “the most important thing is that the most important thing is the most important thing!” As I have looked back on my life (though it has been short thus far!) I have found this quote to be very true! Some of my favourite memories have been of moments that seemed insignificant at the time however turned out to be life changing!

When I was in elementary school (if you are a blog regular you will remember from "My First Date" that at that time I thought that no one liked me and had a lot of silly self pity! If you are new to the blog..... Welcome to the inner circle of knowledge) well my brother Garth (who went to the junior high up the road, and happened to get out of school an hour earlier than I" used to pick me up and walk me home.... In fact he would even come with lolly-pops to eat while we walked and talked! Looking back that meant a lot to me! It was a little thing but I knew my brother had my back!

Or when I was a little older I had a Saturday paper route! It has about 215 houses if I remember correctly.... Doesn't really matter but it was small enough I could have done it my self, however my mother decided she was going to come out and do it with me every week! My mother had raised 7 children at home and when I got around most were old enough to fend for themselves so she took a job as an assistant at the doctors office! Meaning she had less time at home with us kids! However every Saturday I had an hour of personal one on one time with mom as we delivered papers together! Later on my mother has expressed to me how she always felt bad she had less personal time with me than the other kids (in fact she will probably be less than happy that I am telling the world this story) however I always knew my mom loved me and that I could count on her to be there for me! The paper route was our time and we had some of the most fun times running around delivering papers! I may not have had as much time with mom but I had some of the best times with her!

Almost every weekend my brothers and their wives would gather together on the evening and have their little in home date might thingy.... It wasn't much of a date night because I would normally tag along! We sat in the basement and watched movies, or football, or F1 racing or just sit around and chat with each other (not that we weren't chatting during any of the other activities!) It was just some great times to unwind and have a fun time! Every week I would look forward to having some down time with my brothers.... And their wives.... I have had a lot of fun parties with friends but ones that have ever matched with every weekend with my family!

I love being an uncle. I have 24 nieces and nephews (as far as I am aware.... There may be a few out there that I have forgotten about because I have yet to meet them) some of my favourite memories have been taking time to play with them! Wrestling in the basement was always fun, or watching a kids movie! I enjoyed spending time with them and having fun! Playing sports outside was always a good time! baseball basketball, running around playing tag flying kites or just sitting outside yelling at each other have been fun for us! I have played in many intense basketball games but none were as good as when I was outside with my little buddies!

I have had many many many experiences where I have learned that the most important thing is that the most important thing is the most important thing! So what is most important? I wouldn't be able to tell you really.... But sometimes we find out what seems like a little thing turns out to be something very important!



  1. 25 nieces and nephews!!! Did you forget to count Georgia?

  2. You forgot about babysitting a screaming newborn while your sister and her husband went out for a much needed date. Those were special times, wouldn't you say?
